HETFA Working Paper No. 8. Károly Mike – Gábor Balás: Contracting for Structural Funds – How the EU’s Rules of the Game Shape the Behaviour of Member State Governments ISBN 978-963-89112-6-1; ISSN 2062-378X How do the rules of the game of EU cohesion...
Expert Evaluation Network Delivering Policy Analysis on the Performance of Cohesion Policy 2007-13 The objective of this network of experts is to synthesize evidence on the performance of Cohesion Policy in the period 2007-2013 by examining the physical and financial...
HETFA (2009): Evaluation of micro-regional programs We examined the adequacy of 16 micro-region’s programs, commissioned by the “Programme Office for the 33 most depressed micro-regions” of the National Development Agency, and co-worked with 16...
Balás, G. (ed.) (2009): Basic Questions of Development Policy In this study – which was ordered by the Economic and Social Council – we reviewed the lessons of the usage of the Cohesion and Structural funds. We focused on the usefulness and efficiency of these funds,...
HETFA Working Paper No. 1. Gábor Balás (2009): Scope for Defining the Principal Areas of European Funds Available until 2013. ISBN 978-963-08-0279-6 This paper examines the limits of the government, which came into power in 2010, reviewing the distribution of European...