As a capital, Budapest has at the same time urban, regional and national role that fundamentally determines the major issues of its development. A metropolitan area enclosing about 3 million people aims at becoming a city that provides good life quality, harmonic cohabitation in balanced, variegated urban environment as a part of a European urban network. (Budapest 2030 Long Term Urban Development Concept)
Our Approach
HÉTFA Research Institute has been constantly collaborating with the Capital and District Municipalities of Budapest and provides its expertise in territorial urban and thematic development issues. We have prepared short, mid- and long term development documents, thematic programmes and specific development materials for diverse levels of the two-tier administrative system of Budapest. Besides we provide professional assistance for investors in analysing locations and business climate thus contributing to the success of investments.
HÉTFA Research Institute has been carrying out the following major activities in the last five years:
- Wide-scale participation in cases of district and capital level thematic development programmes for both inter-district and professional levels.
- Preparation of mid and long term strategic plans for districts together with performing partner and social consultations.
- Preparation of programme plans and action plans for neighbourhoods, especially along sectorial specific themes in connection to integrated urban development programmes.
- Professional consultancy, adaptation to national and sectorial developments and conducting connected polity negotiations in relation to development documents.
- Site and situation analysis for property developers.
Leading Experts:
Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy 2014-2020 [Józsefváros Integrált Településfejlesztési Stratégia] designed by HETFA (2015). Brief summary in English.
Rákosmente – Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy [Rákosmente integrált településfejlesztési stratégiája] designed by HETFA (2015). Brief summary in English.
HETFA led professional coordination of the document’s preparation (2015): Economic Stimulus and Job Creation Thematic Development Programme [Budapest Gazdaságélénkítési és Munkahelyteremtési Stratégiája 2015-2021]. Brief summary in English.
Zsolt Szendrei, Vera Iváncsics, József Obertik, Zsolt Baranyai, Gábor Balás (2017): How much is a park worth? Preliminary impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis methodology on the example of “Millenáris Széllkapu”. HETFA Working Paper No. 2017/26, Budapest, ISSN 2062-378X
Assessment of Utilization of Development Resources commissioned by National Development Agency 2012 (A fejlesztési források települési felhasználásának értékelése – NFÜ)
Impact Assessment of Construction of Ferencváros Stadium and Ludovika Campus, 2013, commissioned by the Government Commissioner for Key Budapest Developments (A Fradi Stadion és a Ludovika Campus építésének hatásvizsgálata – Egyes Budapesti Kiemelt Fejlesztésekért felelős Kormánybiztos)
Balás, G., Baranyai, Zs., Herczeg, B., Jakab, G., Kiss, G. Szabó-Morvai, Á. (2015), Budapest, Józsefváros, Magdolna Quarter Programme III.: employment strategies for undereducated (Employment Strategy, Employment Action Plan, Educational Strategy, Educational Action Plan) (Budapest-Józsefváros, Magdolna Negyed Program III.: alacsony iskolai végzettségűek foglalkoztatási stratégiái (Cselekvési terv, Köznevelési stratégia, Köznevelési cselekvési terv)). Materials are available in Hungarian »
Fazekas, G., Jakab, G., Szendrei, Zs., Verebes-Szász, E., Ginkgo-Zöld Építésziroda (2015), Business District Study – Impact and realisation analysis with regards of economic, social and architectural aspects (Üzleti negyed tanulmány – gazdasági, társadalmi és építészeti szemszögű hatás- és megvalósíthatósági vizsgálat)
Balás, G., Szabó-Morvai, Á., Jakab, G. (2016), Action Plan and Monitoring Report for 2016 Expanding Economy and Employment Thematic Development Programme (Gazdaságélénkítési és munkahely teremtési Tematikus Fejlesztési Program 2016-os év akcióterve és monitoring jelentés)
Preparing Development and Urban Strategy Documents for Budapest and cities with county right – continously