Our Approach
Green infrastructure is a network including the green components and natural surfaces of our environment that provides services useful for the society to achieving a higher standard of living and sustaining the quality of natural elements. In recent years planning and sustaining green infrastructure has gained an increasing role and its development has become integral part of international conventions (Convention on Biological Diversity, EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020) and national strategies (National Biodiversity Strategy 2015-2020 in Hungary).
Development of green infrastructure, that is, a green urban development in urbanised areas, appears as inherent component among development ideas of towns and cities. Each case has a unique green infrastructure, so these projects have distinctive methodology and character. Since January 2016 HÉTFA Research Institute has been participating in the strategic preparation and planning of green infrastructure of Keszthely and Lenti that has brought up the following aspects:
- foundation of broad public involvement and encouraging common thinking for developing green city
- development of high quality green spaces to create multifunctional open spaces useable and enjoyable for a wide public
- highlighting representative areas using green infrastructure elements
- increasing the resistance to the effects of climate change, decreasing the heat island effect using solution to support water retention
- ensuring sustainability by using long term materials with cheap maintenance and by planting native vegetation adapted to local climatic conditions
- planning taking into consideration the aspects of economic growth (for example: increasing the quality of services, property development)
We have managed not only the increase of the size of the green surfaces in the plans but the role of green infrastructure, trees, alleys, parks, water elements in the urban tissue has been reinterpreted and gained significance.
Leading Experts
Finalised materials, references:
Csite, A. – Iváncsics, V. – Mike, F. – Szendrei, Zs. (2016): Hévíz green city requirement analysis and utilisation plan (Hévíz zöld város igényfelmérési és kihasználtsági terv), Hévíz
Csite, A – Iváncsics, V. – Mike, F – Szendrei, Zs. (2016): Keszthely green city requirement analysis and utilisation plan (Keszthely zöld város igényfelmérési és kihasználtsági terv), Keszthely
Csite, A – Iváncsics, V. – Mike, F – Szendrei, Zs. (2016): Lenti green city requirement analysis and utilisation plan (Lenti zöld város igényfelmérési és kihasználtsági terv), Lenti