Our project entitled, V4+WB RMA Network launches a series of webinars to support networking, knowledge sharing and capacity-building ambitions of research managers, in preparation to new funding programmes in the 2021-2027 period. The project aims to strengthen the network of Researchers Managers and Administrators (RMAs) from Visegrad Four (V4) and Western Balkan (WB) countries to contribute to their more successful participation in the next EU funded Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programme (FP), Horizon Europe (HE).

Webinars will be held on a monthly basis (in total 12), participation is free-of-charge, but registration is required. All webinars will be held in English, and last for 60-90 minutes, including Q&A sessions and interactive discussions, quizzes. They will feature speakers from partners, experts of BESTPRAC/EARMA networks or other RMA professionals on selected topics connected to research funding programmes, with a special view on the preparation and implementation of Horizon Europe projects. Webinars will be recorded and uploaded on the Learning Platform for further use of members of the Online Expert Pool (Click here  to learn more about the Platform).

Here you can check out the planned topics.

Registration is already open for the first webinar of the series:

1st webinar –10AM, 24/02/2021
From H2020 to Horizon Europe – main changes and different emphases in HE

Presenter: Iveta Hermanovská (Slovak National NCP Coordinator for H2020; H2020 NCP for ERC, MSCA, Health and JRC)

Click here to register!

Follow the Facebook page of the project and the website for more updates!