In cooperation with Equinox Consulting Ltd. and HETFA, the evaluation and impact assessment of Hungarian SME programs financed from EU funds was completed, on behalf of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM).

The aim of the evaluation was to provide professional input for the development of further interventions by presenting the results of the development programs, exploring the development opportunities and developing solution proposals, thus contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of the developments. Based on the evaluation results, proposals were formulated based on the strategic foci and intervention logic of the 2021-2027 programming period, also taking the expected new cohesion policy rules into account.

The subject of the analysis was the interventions of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP, in Hungarian: GINOP) targeting small and medium-sized enterprises, while the evaluation also covered the measures implemented within the EDIOP in the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program.

As part of the evaluation, HETFA carried out a general evaluation of the domestic SME policy financed from EU funds and examined the contribution of the supported projects to the relevant EU and domestic policy objectives. The responsibilities of HETFA included identifying the problems behind the interventions implemented, outlining the development logic for economic growth and productivity based on the needs of SMEs, and examining certain elements in the context of exploring program-level results and micro-level impacts.

The report entitled “Evaluation of the Hungarian SME support programmes based on effectiveness and institutional aspects” is available here (only in Hungarian).

The Executive Summary of the evaluation report can be accessed here (in English).