First PROFEEDBACK Training School in Istanbul with a focus on theory-based evaluation of Public Policies and Programmes

First PROFEEDBACK Training School in Istanbul with a focus on theory-based evaluation of Public Policies and Programmes

HÉTFA, as the Grant Holder Institution, is the leader of the PROFEEDBACK (Platform of Policy Evaluation Community for Improved EU Policies and Better Acknowledgment) Action supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). The objective of the Action...
HÉTFA’s colleague explores cooperation opportunities in Jordan in the field of youth policy and evaluation

HÉTFA’s colleague explores cooperation opportunities in Jordan in the field of youth policy and evaluation

HÉTFA’s colleague, Eszter Szőnyi, recently travelled to Jordan for a scientific mission to represent HÉTFA. The aim of the mission was to engage in mutual learning in the field of youth research, youth policy and evaluation, as well as to build connections. Throughout...
PROFEEDBACK conference – Evaluation of Public Policy Responses to ‘Black Swans‘

PROFEEDBACK conference – Evaluation of Public Policy Responses to ‘Black Swans‘

HETFA – as the Grant holder institution- participates in a COST-Action called PROFEEDBACK (PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement). PROFEEDBACK aims to foster the networking of the policy evaluation community at...