Launching event

Launching event – Research Management and Administration: the state of the art and the future of Research Management in the V4+WB region – summary and presentations

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Day 1

Keynote speech:

Plenary session: Introduction & Highlights of the Emerald Handbook of RMA around the world

  • Czechia: Jaroslav Sip, CVUT
  • Hungary: Virág Zsár, HETFA
  • The Research Management landscape in Slovakia: Peter Cuninka, STU

Parallel session: Open science and research assessment

Parallel session: Added value of RM communities and support services

Plenary session:

Day 2

Plenary session: How to Analyse a Pillar II (Horizon Europe) Work Programme – Sean McCarthy, Hyperion

Parallel session: Realizing and valorising research and innovation projects

Parallel session: Finances