Małgorzata Adamska, master engineer Previous Projects/Publications: For over 10 years I support entrepreneurship on a daily basis. I am the deputy director of the institution providing subsidies, among others for innovative projects or research and development...
Veronika Belickova, Dipl., Ing. Previous Projects/Publication: Zlepšenie postavenia matiek maloletých detí na trhu práce prostredníctvom rozvoja ich kľúčových kompetencií, OP Ľudské zdroje, 312011G189, BIC Banska Bystrica, s.r.o. Obsahová a didaktická diverzifikácia...
SBA is the oldest and the most crucial specialized non-profit organization for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia. By providing financial and non-financial services it strives to be the first choice for Slovak enterprises for starting and...