The study of László Czaller and Réka Geambaşu has been published in Kisebbségi Szemle, with the title “Attitudes towards Entrepreneurs and Enterprises among Transylvanian Hungarian Secondary School Students”.
The analysts of HÉTFA have examined the attitudes of of Transylvanian secondary school students toward entrepreneurship. Results show that desire for self-fulfillment, social respect and earnings are the most deciesive factors and the patterns of parents are less important behind the future plans and career choice of Hungarian secondary school students in Transylvania.The proportion of respondents who plan to start an enterprise is much larger than the international average. The perception of entrepreneurs is mixed. The students’ view on entrepreneurs is that they are purposeful, fair to their employees and pragmatically looks for loopholes.
The recent issue of Kisebbségi Szemle, including the study written by the colleagues of HÉTFA, is available here. The research was carried out in the framework of the program titled „2016 – The Year of Young Hungarian Entrepreneurs”, on behalf of the State Secretariat for National Policy.