Stowarzyszenie Biuro Obsługi Ruchu Inicjatyw Społecznych BORIS

Katarzyna Bryczkowska, Master 

Previous Projects/Publications: 

  • The project – Center of Supporting Social Economy (OWES financed by EFES). I am the key advisor. Beneficiary are all social entrepreneurs. I am supporting them in creating business-plans and in social business developing. They can get from us support for creating job possibilities for social excluded person. From 2017 til now, Warsaw
  • The SCWO project leaded by BORIS. This is the System of Supporting NGO from Warsaw metropole. I am managing there the School of Entrepreneurship for NGO. From 2018-now, Warsaw
  • The School of Business Trainers. I was an autor and manager of the project during 5 editions of the school. The project was developing by Fundation for Local Democracy support (FRDL). 2008 – 2011. Warsaw

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