Zuzana Hudacka Mgr.
Previous Projects/Publications:
- Boosting the Female Entrepreneurship in Slovakia / https://www.rpicpo.sk/clanok/1753/ambasadorky_podnikateliek_boosting_the_female_entrepreneurship_in_slovakia.html
- Guardian Angels for Female entrepreneurship / http://www.ambasadorka.sk
- Enterprise Europe Network / https://www.een.sk
- Smart Factories in New EU Member States / https://smartfactories.eu
- Digi EAST – Supporting Smart Industry in the Presov Region / http://digieast.rpicpo.sk
Contact Info:
- E-mail address: zuzana.hudacka@rpicpo.sk
- LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zuzanahudacka/
- Website of the organisation: https://rpicpo.sk