Cecilia Olexova Ing. PhD.
Previous Projects/Publications:
- APVV-16-0160 Tax evasion and tax avoidance (motivation factors, formation and elimination)
- OLEXOVÁ, C., ŠTOFOVÁ, L. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors of Tax Evasion. – Registrovaný: Scopus. In Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. – Craiova : Spiru Haret University. ISSN 2393-5162, 2018, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1864-1873 online. APVV-16-0160.
- Olexová, C.: Establishing the financial returns arising from an evaluation of a retail training programme. In Industrial and Commercial Training. Emerald Publishing, 2018. ISSN 0019-7858. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 20-31.
- Olexová, C.: Business intelligence adoption: a case study in the retail chain. VEGA 1/0328/13. In WSEAS transactions on business and economics. Athens : World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2014. ISSN 1109-9526. Vol. 11, no. 3 (2014), pp. 95-106 online. Spôsob prístupu:
- Olexová, C. – Gajdoš, J.: Logistics simulation game proposal – a tool for employees’ induction. In Quality Innovation Prosperity [elektronický zdroj] = Kvalita Inovácia Prosperita. Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2016. ISSN 1338-984X. Vol. 20, no. 2 (2016), pp. 53-68 online.
Contact Info:
- E-mail address: cecilia.olexova@euke.sk
- Phone number: +421905783094
- Skype address: cil555
- Personal profile: https://phf.euba.sk/zamestnanec/userprofile/olexova-cecilia
- Website of the organisation: https://phf.euba.sk/