IDEA Institute Ltd.
Previous Projects/Publications:
- Evaluation study of state aid granted under the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the conditions and procedure for granting public aid and de minimis aid through the National Center for Research and Development (B + Radar) – Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 – SME as beneficiaries – The aim of the project was to assess whether the aid provided under the Regulation contributes (directly / indirectly) to achieving the objectives for which it was provided. The counterfactual approach with statistical matching methods were used to estimate the net effect of the support. The study evaluated ex-post at how much funding affected the competitiveness, innovation, employment in SME compared to enterprises that did not receive support.
- Barometer of Innovation: 2018-2021 on-going evaluation of support enterprises under Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 (OP SG) and Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (OP EP) – Smart Growth Operational Programme & Operational Programme Eastern Poland – SME as beneficiaries – The aim of the project is to estimate the impact of several interventions under the OP SG and OP EP on the increase of innovation and competitiveness of enterprises. The study estimates the net effects of support through the counterfactual approach with statistical matching methods. For this purpose, the data gathered by Statistics Poland (GUS) are used. The project assesses the impact of programs on long-term and short-term effects (change in entrepreneurs’ behavior, tendency to invest, liquidity ratios).
- Complementarity and synergy of support for macro-region enterprises in the framework of Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-202 and 5 Regional Operational Programs 2014-2020 voivodships Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlasie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmian-Masurian – Smart Growth Operational Programme & Operational Programme Eastern Poland – SME as beneficiaries – The main objective of the study was to assess the complementarity of support for enterprises from the Eastern Poland macroregion under the OP SG and OP EP and 5 regional OPs and to identify the synergy effects achieved as part of the projects implemented so far. Using statistical analyzes and qualitative research, the needs of entrepreneurs as well as the regional distribution and synergy of financial support were analyzed. Recommendations will be used to design support and mechanisms for coordination of complementarity and to increase synergistic effects for the enterprise sector in the next financial perspective in areas which are struggling with development problems.
- Coherent Regional Integration of Social Economy (SIRES) in Świętokrzyskie and Łódzkie voivodships – Regional programs for the development of the social economy – regional institutions implementing the social economy as beneficiaries – The main aim of the project was to assess the current support offered in the SIRES project to regional institutions and provide data for the assessment of the functioning of regional social economy coordination systems. One of the components of the project was the regional diagnosis of the social enterprises sector and social economy entities. The designed support of institutions coordinating the development of the social economy was focused on the most important needs of local social enterprises.
- Evaluation of a Strategic Program of Research on Prevention and Treatment of Civilization Deseases – STRATEGMED Programme – SME as beneficiaries – The main goal of the study was to assess the implementation and the first effects of the Program, determine the degree in what previous implementation of projects contributes to achieving the main objective of the Program and identification of elements that need improvement. The questionnaire survey took into account several hundred entrepreneurs who applied for project support focused on the prevention of civilization diseases. Examination of beneficiaries and ineffective applicants allowed to identify the biggest barriers at the level of applying for support and implementation of projects.
Contact Info:
- E-mail address:
- Phone number: +48 513602854
- Personal profile:,25.html