Petra Francová, PhDr. ing.
Previous Projects/Publications:
- Fraňková, E., Francová P., Johanisova, N., 2018: Chapter 4.4: Social enterprises in the Czech Republic: context, practice and approaches. In: Fékete, E. G. et al. (eds.): Social and solidarity economy in post-socialist peripheries. Bíbor Publishing
- Report about social solidarity economy in the Central Bohemian Region for the transnational project SSEDAS: Social Solidarity Economy as a Development Approach to Sustainability, Praha, Ekumenická akademie 2015
- The background report on the landscape for social entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic for The Czech Republic report, OECD 2015
- Cooperation on a research study A map of social enterprises and their eco-systems in Europe – development of background materials for the Czech Republic country report, London. European Commission 2014
- DORŇÁKOVÁ, E., FRANCOVÁ, P. Social Responsible Public Procurement Guide, Praha, P3 – People, Planet, Profit, 2016
Contact Info:
- E-mail address:
- Phone number: 00420 774496014
- Skype address: p3petra.francova
- LinkedIn profile:
- Website of the organisation: