Jan Kochanowski University, Chamber of Commerce “Circle of Health Tourism”
Previous Projects/Publications:
- Innovation Incubator+
- FuelHealth – Green fuels and human health – toxicity of engine emissions from 1st and 2nd generation biodiesel fuels
- KlimaVeg – The impact of climate change on species ranges and composition of plant communities in temperate, boreal and alpine regions
- MATcHES Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan
- WP 1 “BUILDING THE KNOWLEDGE BASIS” – Towards the Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions in Uzbeksitan (MATcHES) opis publikacji Report number: 544573-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BG-TEMPUS-JPHES, PRIMAX, Bulgaria
Contact Info:
- E-mail address: aniac3@wp.pl
- Phone number: +48606986124
- LinkedIn profile: https://pl.linkedin.com/in/anna-depczy%C5%84ska-330331