V4NE Workshop

Following the international conference Challenges and good practices of SMEs in V4 countries in September 2019, in Budapest, decision-makers and policy experts gathered again to tackle the most pressing issues in the field of Small and Medium Entreprise policies. During the expert workshop – that took place on 21-22 January 2020 in Bratislava, Slovakia – invited participants prepared a joint policy proposal aiming to better address the challenges of small businesses in the V4 region. The workshop featured in-depth discussions on the current trends in the field of SMEs, namely social entrepreneurship, generational exchange and application of digital technologies. Thanks to the expertise gathered during the international conference and workshop, a final document was prepared, including policy recommendations and good practices discussed during the workshop. The proposal will be disseminated widely to relevant business and policy-making platforms in order to support future strategy-setting in the SME field.

Download the final document here. 

The event was hosted by the Slovak Business Agency (SBA).