A special edition of HETFA workshops took place on 10 October in the frame of Erasmus + Days. The event was hosted by Loffice co-working place and aimed to investigate the possibilities of revealing the entrepreneurial potential of women. Firstly, the Erasmus+ funded...
A research study under the title “Combining formal and informal contract enforcement in a developed legal system: a latent class approach” was published by Gábor Kiss and Károly Mike, research fellow at HÉTFA Research Institute, in one of the most...
People can get an insight into the backstage of researchers’ closed world this year again: Researchers’ Night will be held on 28-29 September. This is the first time that the event will last for two days, offering over 2500 programs throughout Hungary. HÉTFA is among...
HETFA became member in the core group of BESTPRACT COST Action following its prolongation. A meeting of Management Committee and the Working Groups in Bucharest discussed the strategic plans for the upcoming two years and renewed the members responsible to coordinate...
A new three-year research project commences at HETFA Institute in October 2014. The project is led by Karoly Mike, who has received a postdoctoral scholarship from the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. The legal system plays a crucial role in any modern economy. An...