Upon the commission of the National Development Agency, experts of the HETFA Research Institute, the Revita Foundation and the Metropolitan Research Institute Ltd. carried out the evaluation of Social Renewal Operational Programme (SROP) Priority 5 interventions...
The evaluation comprised of two main modules: It provided a comprehensive assessment of the measures of the Social Renewal Operative Programme’s (SROP) Priorities 1 and 2 which directly targeted the improvement of employment, based on programme documents, EMIR...
According to the mandatory provisions of the Hungarian Government’s Act XXVI of 1998 on the rights and equal opportunities of persons with disabilities, equal access has to be ensured for public services provided by the government and local municipalities. In order to...
The consortium of Pannon.Analysing Office, HÉTFA Center for Analyses, Revita Foundation and KPMG were commissioned by the National Development Agency to carry out the “Evaluation of Tourism Development with respect to Territorial Cohesion”. The evaluation was...
Expert Evaluation Network Delivering Policy Analysis on the Performance of Cohesion Policy 2007-13 The objective of this network of experts is to synthesize evidence on the performance of Cohesion Policy in the period 2007-2013 by examining the physical and financial...