Impact Assessment

HETFA Research Institute provides extensive impact assessment solutions based on a comprehensive methodological framework and the professional expertise of our colleagues. Our approach empowers decision makers to see through the complexity of appropriate policy choices. HETFA’s philosophy recognizes that the impact assessment process is to be fitted with the development of policy initiatives.


New Football Stadium for FTC Budapest

Socio-economic impact assessment of FTC Budapest football club’s new stadium construction (net project cost: 14.7 billion HUF). The customer was the Office of the Government Commissioner for High-Priority Public Investments in Budapest. A key question of the impact assessment was the effect of the construction on urban and neighborhood development, as well, as on the performance of local economy. The evaluation applied a bottom-up approach to assess local economic effects and also used a top-down approach to assess the macroeconomic impacts of the development.

Ludovika Campus, Budapest

Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment of the construction of Ludovika Campus (a building-complex providing placement for three faculties of the National University of Public Service). The net cost of the project is 24.5 billion HUF. The customer was the Office of the Government Commissioner for High-Priority Public Investments in Budapest. The main questions of the impact assessment included not only an economic account of the investment, but also the possible effects on urban development, local environment, sustainability and the future quality of Hungarian public servant education.

Budapest’s parking decree

An evaluation and quantification of the economic impacts of the 19/2005 decree issued by the General Meeting of the Capital about Budapest’s unified parking regulation prohibiting the entry of trucks in city areas. The customer of the impact evaluation was Budapest City Council’s enterprise organizing parking issues and development. The central issue of the assessment was an exploration and of economic effects on the metropolitan municipality, different industries (commercial, transportation or construction enterprises) and social impacts like local life prospects and unemployment.

EU Development Funds for the Hungarian Tourism Industry

An economic impact evaluation of the EU development investments supporting Hungarian health industry and tourism between 2007 and 2013. The customer of the assessment was the National Development Agency of Hungary. The core question of the impact assessment was the ability of industry-specific development investments to stimulate economic growth. The evaluation provided important insights for further planning of development policies.

Pannonia Ethanol

An analysis of economic impacts of Pannonia Ethanol and Pannonia Ethanol Mohács, companies developing bioethanol plants in Dunaföldvár and Mohács, Hungary. The net cost of the evaluated construction projects is 305-320 million EUR. The customer was the parent Ethanol Europe Renewables Limited. Our impact assessment provides the Reader with a qualitative, as well, as a quantitative analysis, with the first focusing on microeconomic supply-chain effects, while the latter providing impact estimations on macroeconomic variables like output and employment.

Relevant resources:

Major, Klára – Drucker, Luca Flóra (2015): Macroeconomic impact of electric power outage – simulation results from a CGE modelling experiment for Hungary, HETFA Working Paper Series No. 12