HETFA Workshops

The aim of the regularly organized HETFA Workshops is many folded. First, they are supposed to broaden our knowledge and understanding on issues relating to public policies and economics. Second, the workshops offer opportunities to share the knowledge of our fellows gained through their research activities and assignments. These workshops generally generate a fruitful exchange of ideas on the respective topics. Third, by inviting external experts and researchers not only our knowledge and professional network is enlarged but different approaches and understanding of issues in our interests come closer to us. Also, HETFA workshops drills our skills for interdisciplinary research and work.

The workshops are open to the broad expert and researcher community.

12 November 2015: Macroeconomic impact of electric power outage – simulation results from a CGEKlári-muhely modelling experiment for Hungary

  • speaker: Klára Major, ELTE University & HETFA
  • This study presents the results of a CGE application that is used to measure and understand how sectoral shocks might influence the Hungarian economy, its economic agents and its different industries. The electricity outages are modelled by the decrease in the supply of energy.
  • study »
  • presentation (in Hungarian) »

15 October 2015: The Cost-Benefit Analysis of the János Arany Mentoring Program pic
Fostering the Education of Disadvantaged Students

  • speaker: Sándor Csengődi, Corvinus University of Budapest & HETFA
  • The János Arany Mentoring Program is in place for 15 years supporting more than 5000 disadvantaged students to complete the secondary school level. The Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is done until 2014, including the 10 already completed school years to effectively measure if it is worth to spend 8 million HUF per student from the central budget for this cause.
  • study (in Hungarian) »

15 September 2015: Where should the road of the Hungarian
capitalism lead?

  • speaker: Károly Mike, Corvinus University of Budapest & HETFA
  • Institutional economics: what kind of economical order has reality in Hungary? – the formal and informal institutions in the Hungarian economy; workshop on the basis of the thoughts of Ronald Coase
  • study (in Hungarian) »

18 June 2015: Cultural constructions of the competitionweb

  • speaker: Márta Fülöp, Hungarian Academy of Sciences & ELTE University
  • Research on the manifestations of the competition as cultural constructions, if they have culturally determined patterns, in the human and societial relationships
  • presentation »

14 May 2015: Regional Distribution of European Union Funds in Hungary:HÉTFA műhely
When Does Politics Intervene and How?

  • speaker: Álmos Telegdy, National Bank of Hungary & CEU
  • Analysis of the distribution of EU funds: how it affects inequality and performance; political preferences aligned the government (who receives more EU money?), channels of favoritism
  • presentation »

26 March 2015: Temporary Protection and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the Napoleonic BlockadeJuhászRéka_pic

  • speaker: Réka Juhász, London School of Economic
  • Experiment to assess whether temporary protection from
    trade with industrial leaders can foster development
    of infant industries in follower countries
  • study »
  • presentation »

17 March 2015: The business model of the EBRD and its changes Kármán András_pic
after the period of the economic crisis

  • speaker: András Kármán, representative to the EBRD, 2011-2014
  • Presentation of the objectives and structure of EBRD, reflections on the impact of the economic crisis on the business model of the EBRD, relevance of EBRD investments in Hungary before and after the crisis, new directions and challenges of the EBRD all over the world
  • presentation »

5 March 2015: How to formulate the taxes of the labour income?Nobilis Benedek_pic
Conclusion on the basis of the experiences of the family tax benefit introduction

  • speaker: Benedek Nobilis, Ministry of National Economy
  • Impact of 2011 changes of labour income taxes in Hungary on the amount of work and working time
  • study »
  • presentation »

12 February 2015: Network gravitation: more relations, less thought?Vedres_balázs_pic

  • speaker: Balázs Vedres, Central European University, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • Factors of a networks creativity; relations that fosters the most the birth of new ideas; analysis of network relations that do not favour innovation
  • study »
  • presentation »

29 January 2015: Poverty image, stereotypes, and welfare preferencesjanky_Hetfa_pic

  • speaker: Béla Janky, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Director of Institute for Sociology
  • The image of poverty in the Hungarian society; our welfare preferences, i.e. how and till what extent the community should assist people in poverty; how ethnic differences make the picture more complex
  • study 1 on Ethnic Stereotypes and Preferences on Poverty Assistance
  • study 2 on The poverty-assistance paradox
  • study 3 on Images of Extreme Poverty and the Formation of Welfare Attitudes
  • presentation »

27, November 2014: Impact of public space rehabilitationsMűhely héviz
on the use of public spaces

  • speakers: Judit Polányi & Zsolt Balaskó, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Urbanism-Architecture
  • Urban rehabilitation evaluation of the city of Heviz with new approach: analysis of video records to see the impact of reconstructions on the environment and use of public spaces
  • study »

9 October, 2014: Interest Premium, Sudden Stop, and Adjustment
in a Small Open Economy istvankonya

  • speaker: István KÓNYA, Hungarian National Bank, Central European University
  • Modelling the impact of the 2008-2009 financial crisis on countries with small and open economy, comparison Central European States
  • presentation »


25 September, 2014: Political leadership, innovation and paradigm change körösényi_web
in normal and supernormal state


05 June, 2014: Deeper research into the extent of the differences between schools

  • speaker: Bálint HERCZEG, HETFA
  • the effect of differences between small and big schools on the results of students measured by the competency test
  • study »
  • presentation »
  • Supplementary paper by Dániel HORN: Institute o Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, presentation »

16 May, 2014: Accounting for idiosyncratic wage risk over the business cycle

  • speaker: Tamás PAPP, Insitute for Advanced Studies
  • empirical exploration of the extent and sources of business cycle fluctuations in the wage risk faced by individuals
  • study »
  • presentation »

17 April, 2014: Possibilities of business development and its limits

6 March, 2014: Sekler Action – the history of a state-led regional development initiatve (1902-1920)

21 November, 2013: Institutions and Networks in Rural Development

7 November, 2013: Growth and Competitiveness

17 October, 2013: Does Childcare Matter for Maternal Labor Supply? Pushing the limits of the Regression Discontinuity Framework

  • speaker: Ms Ágnes SZABÓ-MORVAI, HETFA
  • estimation of the causal impact of subsidized childcare availability on Hungarian mothers’ labour market participation around the 3rd birthday of the child
  • related article »

13 June, 2013: HETFA Macro Model

  • speaker: Ms Klára MAJOR, PhD, HETFA
  • discussion on the content and methods of a macro model developed by HETFA researchers

30 May, 2013: Evaluation of Hungarian Development Policy

  • speaker: Mr Károly MIKE, PhD, HETFA
  • experiences from the evaluation work of HETFA on Hungarian Development Policy: “Did EU funds support growth and development in Hungary?”