Lost Millennials Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs

Ref./Contract no 2020-01-0029
Funding programme EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Duration 27 months
Start year-end year 2021-2024
Website Lostmillennials.eu



The Lost Millennials project has launched in November 2021 under the second call of the EEA Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The consortium of 13 partners is led by HETFA Research Institute. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the successful integration of 25+ NEETs into the labour market by increasing knowledge on the effects of employment initiatives.

The Lost Millennials project focuses on a commonly neglected target group of the generation of Millennials: Young people aged between 25 and 29 years, who are out of employment or education and training (NEETs), live in small towns in rural areas and face multiple barriers to their inclusion in labor market. The starting point of the working life of the project’s target groups was shortly after the economic crisis of 2008, leading to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity regarding work opportunities, affecting their well-being, and leading them to be inactive or in labor market. The primary target group of the Lost Millennials project is researchers, experts in the field of evaluations, youth employment, or labor market inclusion, as well as professionals in governmental and civil society organizations, responsible for the implementation of evaluation of employment initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs or youth in general.

The Lost Millennials project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.

Activities and outputs

The partnership aims to build stakeholder capacity by carrying out impact studies and thus improving the quality of labour market interventions. This is achieved through the creation of a transnational research network to share know-how and best practices, the evaluation of government and community initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs, and the involvement of stakeholders to increase the policy relevance of the project results.



HETFA Research Institute (HU)


Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – iED (GR)

Center for the Study of Democracy (BG)

IREAS, Institute for structural policy (CZ)

Evidence Institute Foundation (PL)

University of Burgos (ES)

Binda Consulting International Ltd (ML)

Sapientia University of Cluj Napoca (RO)

Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia)

ZSI – Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH | Centre for Social Innovation (AT)

Nord University (NO)

Bifröst University (IC)

Demos Research Institute (FI)

Contact & more info

For more information about the project, please contact:



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Newsletter nr.1