foRMAtion Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education


Ref./Contract no 2019-1-HU01-KA203-061233
Funding programme Erasmus+ Programme
Duration 24 months
Start year-end year 2020-2022



The increasing competition for EU funds in the field of R&I projects the growing needs of the labour market for professional research support staff, and the shortage in research management administration (RMA) educational programmes, led to the realization of the foRMAtion (Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education) project. foRMAtion aims to support students in higher education as potential Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) by reinforcing the high-level and transversal skills needed for developing and managing excellent European research, innovation and educational projects.

Based on these identified needs, foRMAtion seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Collecting and evaluating good practices in the field of RMA training from different EU countries;
  • Developing innovative tools, educational and training methods for the empowerment of potential students;
  • RMAs among HEI students to acquire the necessary knowledge & skills (both soft & hard) as well as to support their career development;
  • Making the profession of research management and administration attractive and raising awareness on the importance of RMAs, contributing to the preparation and implementation of excellent European educational and research projects.

To fulfil this ambitious mission, foRMAtion gathers highly experienced organizations from five European countries supplemented by seven Advisory Board members. The partners have different scientific backgrounds and longstanding experience in education and research management. The partners will work together to carry out the project’s activities; to accomplish this they will hold regular online and in-person meetings too.

Activities and outputs


IO1 – Methodological guide & good practice collection for the elaboration of the foRMAtion international module

IO2 – foRMAtion international curriculum for future Research Managers and Administrators

IO3 – Teaching material for the foRMAtion international module for future Research Managers and Administrators

IO4 – Methodological guide for foRMAtion mentorship programme

IO6 – Online foRMAtion textbook and self-development tool

IO7 – Guide & impact assessment for educating and training RMAs at HEIs backed by policy recommendations

The outputs can be accessed here.


Seasonal School, 1-5 April 2022, Rome, Italy

First public stakeholder event: Innovative and smart module for potential RMA’s in higher education (HE), 17 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal

Second public stakeholder event: Learning RMA by doing RMA: Empowering Research Managers and Administrators through foRMAtion’s Mentorship Programme, 21 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Third public stakeholder event: Research Managers and Administrators: training opportunities and challenges, 27 September 2022, Rome, Italy

Fourth public stakeholder event: Professionalism in Research Management and Administration, 11 November 2022, Cluj, Romania

Final public stakeholder event: The Future of Research Management Training in Higher Education: Insights from foRMAtion’s teaching and mentoring experience to professionalize research management, 30 November 2022, Brussels, Belgium



• HÉTFA Research Institute (HU)


ISINNOVA, the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (IT)

APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (IT)

SPI, the Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (PT)

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (PT)

Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (RO)

Slovenian Forestry Institute (SL)

Corvinus University of Budapest (HU)

Contact & more info

For more information about the project, please contact:

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