ADULATION Adult Education for Social Change


Ref./Contract no 2020-1-CY01-KA204-065947
Funding programme Erasmus+ Programme
Duration 24 months
Start year-end year 2020-2022



The ADULATION project addresses the needs of adult educators for continuous professional development with a focus on competences to support the active participation of adult learners in society. Today, traditional education methods are not always attractive to all adult learners; especially those with fewer opportunities who often feel uncomfortable in formal settings. ADULATION promotes active citizenship through adult education by creating training opportunities and developing competences of adult educators.

Activities and outputs

The overall aim of the project is the promotion of active civic engagement through adult education. Throughout the project’s lifetime, partners worked on the competence development of adult educators and community educators. Besides leading the communication and dissemination actions of the project, HETFA was responsible for conducting the Research Study on ‘The political dimension of the work of adult educators in Cyprus, Belgium, Hungary, and Italy’. During the 2-year project, the partners also developed a Handbook on ‘Managing active citizenship initiatives with adult and senior coordinators and volunteers’ and two digital toolkits, one focusing on helping adult educators and learners to enhance civic engagement, while the other aims to enable adult educators to run successful online campaigns on issues affecting adult learners. Innovative tools and methodologies were introduced to adult education professionals to ensure that adult and senior learners with fewer opportunities can become active citizens and volunteers.



Alphabet Formation (BE)

• HÉTFA Research Institute (HU)


Contact & more info

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