Division for International Cooperation
The Division for International Cooperation was established in September 2016, based on the experience gained through previous international collaborations of HETFA. Our colleagues have broad expertise in preparing and managing EU and internationally funded projects and are members in several EU-wide network.
Main activities
First, the Division for International Cooperation is responsible within HÉTFA for international networking, building research consortia and tender cooperations, pre-award and post-award research grant management.
Second, the Division is also responsible for research related to two specific areas: the advancement of the RMA (Research Management and Administration) profession and the role of women in economy and society.
Finally, the Division takes part in proposal preparation and project management for its strategic partners – various NGOs, cultural and educational institutes and local governments.
Our main fields of expertise are
- Science management, communication, dissemination and exploitation,
- Advancement of the RMA profession – Research Management and Administration,
- Female entrepreneurship, women in science and gender equality.
Projects and partners
Current projects
- RM ROADMAP – Creating Framework Conditions for Research Management to Strengthen the European Research Area (2022-2025, Horizon Europe)
- ESIRA -Enhancing Social Innovation in Rural Areas (2024-2027, Horizon Europe)
- RE-FEM – Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs (2022-2025, Erasmus+ KA2)
- Lost Millennials – Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs (2021-2024, EEA and Norway Grants, Fund for Youth Employment)
- RESTART – Resilience and Training for SMEs (2021-2023, Erasmus+ KA2)
- PROFEEDBACK – PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement (2021-2025, COST Action)
- FAWORIT – Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology – Alliance with citizens /Researchers’ Night Hungary (2022-2024, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
- V4+WB RMA Network Plus – V4+WB Network of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) Plus (2023-2025, International Visegrad Fund)
- Horizon Results Booster service (as thematic experts)
Past projects
- foRMAtion – Innovative and smart module for potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education (2019-2022, Erasmus+ KA2)
- V4+WB Network of Research Managers and Administrators (2020-2022, International Visegrad Fund)
- iFEMPOWER – Interactive and mentorship based female empowerment in the field of entrepreneurship (2018-2021, Erasmus+ KA2)
- ADULATION – Adult Education for Social Change (2020-2022, Erasmus+ KA2)
- FAWORIT – Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology / Researchers’ Night Hungary (2020)
- V4NE – V4 Network on Entrepreneurship (2019-2020, Visegrad Fund)
- ENriCH – Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage (2018-2020, Europe for Citizens)
- EU3doms – Debate on the Future of the Four Freedoms of the European Union (2016-2017, Europe for Citizens)
- Youth&SPA – Activating and involving the YOUTH in shaping the future of rural SPA towns (2018-2019, Erasmus+ KA3)
- SportOverBorders – Sport Cannot Stop at Borders (2017-2018, Interreg HU-HR)
- RefurbCulture – Energy efficient refurbishment in cultural heritage buildings (2017-2018, Interreg HU-HR)
- SporTown – Intergenerational Debate on Sport Specific Utilization of Urban Spaces (2018-2019, Erasmus+ KA3)
- Development of Agricultural Enterprises in the Knowledge based Economy (2015, Visegrad Fund)
Local and county governments, research institutes, universities, non-profit organizations, youth organizations, European associations, think tanks, SMEs etc.
We’ve taken part in numerous EU projects belonging to different funding schemes:
- Horizon Europe
- Interreg Interregional, Transnational and Cross-Border Programmes
- Erasmus+
- Visegrad Fund
- URBACT European Urban Development Program
- Creative Europe
- Europe for Citizens
For further information, please contact us at internationaloffice@hetfa.hu
Lost Analogue project to debut at the 17th Ördögkatlan Festival
This summer several Hungarian festivals host productions created in international partnership with HÉTFA. In the framework of the Erasmus+ project, called Lost Analogue, the inspiring creative and transnational cooperation process resulted in the screening with huge...
PROFEEDBACK training in Belgrade
We are delighted to share the latest updates from the third Training School held as part of the PROFEEDBACK COST Action in Serbia. Hosted at the Institute of Economics in Belgrade from 9-11 July 2024, the training brought together participants to delve into...
“What’s the matter with you, Anyone?” – The first innovative act of the PRODUCTION3 project was presented at the Valley of Arts
"Is it worth being born into this world?" - asks the Horizon Group in their performance. The theatre troupe presented the production that won the PRODUCTION3 project grant on 25 July at the Valley of Arts festival. Three performances, three countries, four partners,...
The Net0Manager Erasmus+ project is looking for Project Ambassadors
The Net0Manager project is looking for managers and entrepreneurs who want to play an active role in the revolution of management. HETFA participates in the Net0Managers Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (VET sector) project led by Training200 from Italy. Net0Manager is...
The 3rd Newsletter of the RE-FEM project is now available!
Currently we are halfway through the RE-FEM project, we have published our Research Results, presented RE-FEM at several external events, and our partners are actively working on the Training Manuals. If you would like to know more about the Research Results, the...
ESPON Seminar in Mons: Presentation of the ESPON TERRES project by HÉTFA Research Institute
The regular ESPON Seminar took place in Mons, Belgium, from 5-6 June 2024, bringing together policy makers, researchers, experts and other interested parties to discuss the ambitious goal of implementing the No Net Land Take (NNLT) policy at European level. The event...
Focus on Social Policies – 5th PROFEEDBACK conference successfully held in Bucharest
On May 16, 2024, the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest hosted the 5th international PROFEEDBACK conference, themed "Good Practices and Lessons Learned in the Evaluation of Social Policies". The conference, organized as...
SciLMi Hub Kicks Off June 27: Empowering Teachers to Combat Misinformation
The ‘SciLMi – Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-)Information Age’ Erasmus+ Teacher Academy project aims to equip educators with the necessary competences needed to foster meta-scientific literacies of secondary-school students. The meta-scientific literacy skills...
Presentation by HÉTFA Research Institute at the meeting of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has recently invited HÉTFA Research Institute to present its ongoing ESPON research project, "Territorialising Resilience: Transforming Europe for an Age of Crisis [TERRES]". The European Committee of the Regions serves the...
RM Roadmap results presented at the EARMA Conference by HÉTFA
The EARMA Conference this year took place in Odense, Denmark between April 23-25, where the main highlights and novelties of the RMA profession were presented. The conference was attended by more than 1,400 participants from 52 countries. The results of the RM ROADMAP...