Creative Industries Lab
HETFA Creative Industries Lab serves as a research and consultancy hub, specializing in culture and creative industries. Located in Budapest, Hungary, our mission is to harness the potential of the creative-cultural sector in Central Europe while also fostering stronger connections with international stakeholders in Europe and beyond. We offer expert advice, research and advocacy services tailored to public institutions, local and regional municipalities, as well as private enterprises operating within the cultural sphere. Through our work, we aim to empower cultural stakeholders of all levels to embrace emerging technologies, adopt innovative approaches, and foster meaningful international partnerships.
Our expertise in the field of culture
- Music industry
- Audience studies
- Cultural heritage and tourism
- Cultural strategies for cities and regions
- Interdisciplinary partnerships
- Impact assessments and evaluations
Our commitment to excellence is underpinned by rigorous research, informed by expert knowledge, and driven by a spirit of innovation. With a track record spanning over a decade, we have demonstrated our proficiency in policy analysis, impact assessment, regional development, and international cooperation projects. Capitalizing on our expertise we are also open to lead and participate in international cooperation projects.
What we can offer:
The HETFA Creative Industries Lab is committed to support and advise new organizations less experienced in the field of intercultural cooperation to make their work to the next level, producing high-quality and impactful projects by growing their international network at the same time. In today’s landscape, leveling up cultural projects to the international scene is essential to ensure not only financial stability, but also a continuous learning experience that overall results in more innovation and creativity in the field of culture.
With our research and evaluation expertise, your project gains credibility and ensures its results are visible and comprehensible to your audience from visitors to decision-makers. Collaborating with numerous private and public organizations (e.g. museums, local municipalities, tourism services), we specialize in developing new and improving existing services, as well as assessing their impact post-implementation. We adapt our methodologies to the unique needs of our partners and the project.
Examples of our services:
- Strategic consulting on the preparation and management of international cooperation projects
- Mapping of funding opportunities, relevant networks and similar projects
- Stakeholder management
- Grant preparation and writing
- Preliminary research and feasibility studies
- Project evaluations, impact assessments
- PR and communication strategy development and execution
- Workshop and training facilitation
If interested, please feel free to contact us at
- Impact assessment and development of a new monitoring tool for the implementation of “Csoóri Sándor program” (commissioned by the Hungarian Heritage House)
The Csoóri Sándor Program was launched in 2017 to support artists of the folk and traditional arts. The impact assessment will focus on the evaluation of results from the programme’s start until 2024, using quantitative and qualitative methods, with the involvement of former beneficiaries of the program and experts of the field. Based on the results of the impact assessment, a new monitoring framework will be drafted that will make the next cycle of the programme more efficient that benefits both the artists and the funder to clarify requirements, track the implementation and follow-up results.
- Impact assessment of the Hangjáték project (commissioned by Hangvető)
Hangjáték was a comprehensive music development program by Hangvető that implemented community music-making workshops and launched a music school between 2022 and 2023, supported by Veszprém, the European Capital of Culture 2023. HETFA conducted a comprehensive evaluation study on the outcomes of the Hangjáték project and on the music life in Veszprém and its surroundings. The tools used for this included a representative survey of 1,000 people from Veszprém and its labor market area, as well as 42 expert interviews with key figures in the regional music scene—from schools to clubs, musicians to managers. More info.
- Music Industry Reports of Hungary (commissioned by ProArt)
Between 2016 and 2021 HETFA prepared the yearly Music Industry Reports commissioned by ProArt, the federation of collective rights management and advocacy organizations. We used the copyright data provided by ProArt as well as self-collected data such as statistics and expert interviews to show trends that are relevant to the whole industry, including the physical and digital sales of sound recordings and the live music sector. More info.
- Veszprém, the European Capital of Culture 2023 – bidbook compilation (commissioned by the Municipality of Veszprém)
The city of Veszprém won the title of the ‘European Capital of Culture 2023’ in 2019. The preparatory work had started already in 2017 with the professional support of HETFA that coordinated the entire bidbook compilation process as well as it contributed to several project proposals and the design of the governance model to be applied during implementation. HETFA emphasized the regional approach of the proposal to foster the sustainable and complex development of not only the city of Veszprém, but the entire region that has an outstanding cultural potential in countryside Hungary. More info.
- Act like a Veszprémer city map (project output of the ENriCH project)
Young participants of the EnriCh project created city maps showcasing their local heritage in 5 different European cities. HETFA facilitated the work with the young participants in Veszprém from the content development to the design of the map. The ‘Act like a Veszprémer’ map was published in print and online and inspired online city exploration games with three walking routes. More info.
- Preliminary study on the introduction of joint rights management in the dubbing industry in Hungary (commissioned by SzíDSZ)
The study entitled ‘Operation of the Hungarian Dubbing Industry,’ commissioned by the SzíDSZ – Szinkron Foundation (Theater Workers’ Union) explored the operation of Hungary’s dubbing industry, its challenges, and potential solutions. It used qualitative and quantitative methods, including over 40 interviews and an online survey of dubbing workers. The report calls for the renewal of working conditions, better health and social security, clarified contractual relations, improved communication, and established quality standards. More info.
- Impact assessment of COVID measures on the operation of Akvárium Klub
HETFA conducted a comprehensive study, commissioned by Akvárium Klub in 2021, to understand the pandemic’s impact on the cultural market, focusing particularly on changes in audience behavior and trends concerning live concerts. This analysis provided valuable insights into the shifting dynamics of the live music scene from the audience’s perspective, aiding in strategic recovery planning for the future.
- Creative Industry Report of Hungary (commissioned by Design Terminal)
The report entitled ‘The creative industry as a resource – The current and future contribution of the creative sectors to Hungary’s competitiveness’ was compiled in 2014. During the research, we relied on interviews, expert consultations, a review of the literature, and statistical analysis of relevant databases from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), and the National Employment Service (NFSZ). Overall, the report highlighted the creative industry’s potential as a significant economic force in Hungary, stressing the need for supportive measures to realize its full potential.
- Production3 (Creative Europe Small-scale Cooperation Project)
The PRODUCTION³ project (2023-2025) pioneers a fresh approach to meet shifting audience expectations, reimagining the interplay within the creative value chain to foster innovation in audience development. Through supporting three dynamic art productions in Hungary, Serbia, and Portugal, led by innovative artists, the project aims to co-create immersive experiences using participatory methods. Our commitment to continuous research ensures a deep understanding of audience engagement impact, driving us to evolve and adapt our strategies to meet the diverse needs of our audiences.
- Lost Analogue (Erasmus+ Small scale Partnership)
In response to the changing landscape of film education post-digital revolution, the Lost Analogue project (2023-2025), our transnational collaboration between partners in Hungary, Romania, and France aims to revolutionize vocational education and training in film by reintroducing analogue methodologies. Our objectives include revitalizing film education through interdisciplinary approaches, fostering new teaching practices, and strengthening cooperation among European organizations. As a pilot, the project will support the premiere of a remake of a 1930s analogue film at Ördögkatlan Festival 2024.
- EnriCH: Reveal your European Cultural Heritage (Europe for Citizens)
ENriCH (2018-2020) successfully involved young European citizens to develop a deeper understanding of their local and European cultural heritage. Five European partner towns (Veszprém [HU], Lendava [SI], Eisenstadt [A], Saint-Omer [FR], Tartu [EE]) participated in the project, where local decision-makers and young citizens worked together on reinterpreting their relation to their cities heritage. As a result, each town developed city maps – created by the young participants – that have a lasting legacy on the towns’ cultural offer. Tempus Foundation enlisted ENriCH as a good practice project.
Cultural organisations
- Hungarian Heritage House
- Hangvető
- Erdélyi Magyar Filmszövetség
- PesText International Literary and Cultural Festival
- Hungarian National Museum
- Akvárium Klub
- Zachor Foundation
- Veszprém, the European Capital of Culture 2023
- Ördögkatlan Festival
- Valley of Arts Festival
- Szentgotthárd Municipality
- Veszprém Municipality
- Zala County Municipality
Sector stakeholders
- Music Hungary Association
- ProArt
- Design Terminal
ProArt Music Industry Report 2020 presented by HETFA
On 9 November 2020, Zsolt Főző, Head of HETFA Creative Industries Lab presented the latest ProArt Music Industry Report at the Music Hungary Conference. The ProArt report is the most comprehensive collection of the Hungarian music industry’s annual facts and figures....
New report by HETFA on the position of dubbing in the Hungarian filmmaking industry
The Creative Industries Lab of HETFA published a new study under the title of ‘Operation of the Hungarian Dubbing Industry’. The study was commissioned by the SzíDSZ – Szinkron Foundation (Theater Workers’ Union). In Hungary dubbing has an over 80-year-long history,...
Music Industry Report 2020 to be prepared by HETFA Creative Industries Lab
Since 2016, it is the fourth consecutive year that the HETFA Creative Industries Lab prepares the ProArt Music Industry Report that analyses all facets of the Hungarian music industry, including recorded and live music, music education, music listening habits - among...
Festival industry facing complete shutdown – impact analysis by HETFA Creative Industries Lab
The HETFA Creative Industries Lab has been active in delivering analyses and reports on the live music and festival industry of Hungary since 2016. As the coronavirus pandemic caused a complete and immediate shutdown of the sector, our work has gained even more...
Local heritage in Europe – European heritage for locals
Third event of the project Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage (ENriCH) was hosted by the coordinator, the Municipality of Veszprém, with the professional support the colleagues of the Division for International Cooperation of HÉTFA, Ms Fanni Bobák and Ms Nikolett...
Veszprém won the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2023
Veszprém won the title of the European Capital of Culture (ECC) in 2023! The winner bid was prepared with the professional support of HETFA. In the final round Veszprém competed with Győr and Debrecen. Veszprém applied jointly with the Bakony and Balaton Region for...
Application of Veszprém to the European Capital of Culture 2023 is submitted
Application of Veszprém to the 2023 European Capital of Culture was prepared with the professional support of HÉTFA. The application material was submitted on 9 November at the Ministry of Human Resources by Gyula Porga, Mayor of Veszprém with the representatives of...
ENriCH: Discovering European cultural heritage through international dialogue
The project ENriCH: Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage, funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme, is being kicked off in September. ENriCH is led by the city of Veszprém with the support of the International Office of HETFA. Municipalities and civil organizations...
Veszprém on the cultural map of Europe
Veszprém, cited usually as “the city of Queens”, is one of the oldest Hungarian towns. Embraced by the Lake Balaton and the Bakony hills, it is the economic and cultural centre of the region. Culture plays an important role in the life of the city which is at the same...