HETFA is an independent think tank in Budapest, Hungary established in 2009 by young economists, political scientists and sociologists sharing theoretical and practical experience in social research, public administration and consultancy. Our goal is to provide useful and evidence-based analyses on national as well as local policy issues for the decision-makers and the policy expert community to improve the quality of public debates and public decisions. HETFA uses a multidisciplinary approach in its research projects on the following fields:
- public governance,
- entrepreneurship and SME policy,
- better regulation and cutting red tape,
- employment policy,
- health & education,
- local governance,
- cohesion policy,
- regional policy, and
- rural development and development opportunities of lagging regions.
HETFA frequently participates in joint projects with scholars at various universities and think tanks from Hungary and other Central European countries. We are also engaged in different research and consultancy works in cooperation with local and micro-regional councils, government offices and non-governmental organizations. We regularly organize round-table discussions with top scholars and experts to keep ourselves up-to-date and to contribute to a lively scene of sharing ideas on important issues. HÉTFA worked out teaching materials and organized courses on public economics and impact assesment for senior level experts of the governement.
In the past few years HETFA has gained extensive experience in
- formulating policy strategies for central and local government bodies,
- supporting organizational reforms,
- analysing policy decisions,
- carrying out evaluations,
- facilitating cooperation between local decision makers and stakeholders,
- conducting international research and
- holding courses on various topics relating to governance.
We at HETFA are committed to supporting decision makers and public decisions on national and local issues. HETFA Group offers extensive knowledge and experience, a comprehensive and widespread professional network and its commitment to quality and community.