On 19 June 2023, experts of HÉTFA Research Institute successfully organised training on impact assessment. The purpose of the training  was to support impact assessment and evaluation tasks of decision-making processes.

The training was held in the framework of the Lost Millennials project launched in November 2021 and funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The aim of the project is to increase knowledge on the impact of employment initiatives and thus contribute to the successful labour market integration of 25+ NEETs.

The Lost Millennials project aims to build capacity and share knowledge. The training session was organized with these goals in mind and played a crucial role in fulfilling these project’s objectives. The training kicked off with the welcoming words of András Csite, Executive Director of HÉTFA. Eszter Szőnyi, coordinator of the Lost Millennials project, presented the project’s objectives, activities and results so far, which are available here. Following the presentation, Gábor Balás, Executive Director, elaborated on the concept, basic logic and main issues of impact assessment. Katalin Bördős and Kinga Tóth, experts of HÉTFA’s Division for Public Policy and Impact Assessment presented the basic methods of impact assessment while highlighting some examples. The training concluded with a presentation by Gábor Balás on the potential use of impact assessments.

The results of the project will be presented at national and international levels later this autumn, for more information please visit our project website.