On 9 November 2020, Zsolt Főző, Head of HETFA Creative Industries Lab presented the latest ProArt Music Industry Report at the Music Hungary Conference. The ProArt report is the most comprehensive collection of the Hungarian music industry’s annual facts and figures. This year, the report focused on the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the assessment of the damage caused in the sector.
Since 2016, it is the fifth consecutive year that HETFA prepares the Music Industry Report commissioned by ProArt. The creators of ProArt support the research with relevant information about the industry, which is complemented by the data collection of HETFA that covers the last closed calendar year of the industry. By processing and analysing the data, the HETFA report can present results and show trends that are relevant to the whole industry, including for instance the physical and digital sales of sound recordings and the live music sector
See the English summaries of previous reports by clicking here.
This year (and every second year) as part of the collaboration, a major, more comprehensive music report is prepared. This report includes a representative population survey on music consumption habits. Also, the last chapter of the 2020 report focuses on the COVID-19 crisis based on a data collection from this year. The COVID-19 chapter used a questionnaire survey of music performers and authors for the assessment. The report is expected to be available online in December 2020.
The Music Hungary Conference which was held in Veszprém and online on 9-10 November 2020, also focused on the challenges of this year caused by the pandemic. The Music Hungary Conference is organized every year since 2012, with the aim of bringing together various actors in the music industry, thus generating cooperation in the sector. This cooperation aim to represent their interest to the decision-makers and support relevant policy-making as well.
’The music industry in Hungary has suffered an 80% economic loss in this year.’ The summary of the first day of the Conference prepared by Világgazdaság is available here (only in Hungarian).
In addition to presenting the Music Industry Report, Zsolt Főző also took part in a roundtable discussion on the career possibilities in the music industry. A recording of the presentation and the discussion is available here (presentation of Zsolt Főző from 25:45, in Hungarian).
Photo: MTI/Tamás Vasvári
Creative Industries Lab
In HETFA’s Creative Industries Lab our purpose is to understand and analyse the Hungarian cultural and creative industries – so far little is known about these segments of the country’s economy. Nonetheless, creative industries are getting more important in markets such as Hungary since they help to create high added value local jobs, high-return intellectual property, and easily exportable services. Thus, in HETFA we think that it is highly important to produce accurate analytical knowledge of the operations of creative industries. Moreover, we are committed to creating this knowledge with the help of cutting-edge methods of economics and social science approaches.