The first foRMAtion expert workshop was held on 8-10 January 2020 in Porto, Portugal. The workshop was dedicated to involve high-level experts and stakeholders active in the field of research management and administration (RMA) at national or EU levels. The main aim of the event was to initiate the sharing of knowledge and experiences among participants and to collect good and bad practices, methods and tools connected to training possibilities of RMAs which will provide quality inputs for the foRMAtion methodological guide and good practice collection and indirectly for the preparation of the international curriculum for RMAs and of the related training material.
On the first day the welcoming speeches were followed by a project overview and discussion. Then the concept of the methodological guide and good practice collection was presented which will be mainly based on personal interviews and survey results and aims to provide an empirical input for university courses and training material to be developed. After that, 12 experts – including the members of the foRMAtion Advisory Board – from 7 European countries presented existing initiatives and training programmes supporting RMAs delivering 10-minute-long presentations.
As a result, colleagues from Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the UK pointed out the important role of RMAs in the European Research and Innovation Ecosystem. After each presentation participants launched short discussions on the possible ways of training future RMAs, raised important aspects and highlighted the most significant elements to be considered during the elaboration of the foRMAtion training. The curriculum and teaching material for the international module launched by universities and targeting potential RMAs were also presented and let to discussion. Presentations are available here.
As the closing of the three-day long event an interactive workshop was held on RMA competences and skills. During this session, participants had vivid discussion on the “ideal” RMA regarding their attitude, skills, technical knowledge, appropriate and contextual behaviour.
The event also provided platform for continuous networking, enabling participants to learn more about each other’s activities and interests and to pave the way for possible future cooperation.
The event was backed by the 2nd transnational meeting of the project partners. The partnership had brainstorming on the conceptualization of the curriculum and the teaching material.
The next foRMAtion events will take place in September 2020 in Lisbon, where, besides a joint staff training for teachers who will teach the international curriculum, a multiplier event will be organized to present and disseminate the project for stakeholders. This open event will provide platform for interactive discussions and knowledge exchange on the developed materials, including the good practice collection, the international curriculum and the teaching material. For more details, stay tuned!
Please visit the foRMAtion website where you can find all updates on the project. At the end of January our social media sites will also be launched so you can follow us on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter soon.
In case you have any question or idea how to build synergies, do not hesitate to contact us via the project website or