The project under the title „Innovative and smart module FOr potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher educaTION” (foRMAtion) had its first face-to-face meeting with the participation of all project partners on 30 September and 1 October.
As we reported earlier, the project is coordinated by HETFA Research Institute with the participation of 7 additional partners covering 5 EU countries, namely
- Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (PT),
- Corvinus University of Budapest (HU),
- Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (RO),
- APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (IT/BE),
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (PT),
- Slovenian Forestry Institute (SI) and
- Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (IT).
The first partner meeting turned to be highly successful: each project activity was presented in details by the partner responsible for its implementation. Necessary inputs, partners’ role and expected deadlines were also agreed. The Coordinator also put a special emphasis on exploiting further the experience, knowledge and expectations of each participating institution to ensure the successful and efficient implementation of the project.
Standards and anticipations towards each other and the developed outputs are even higher due to the fact that each partner is very much familiar with the management of research and educational projects which lets us to put more attention on the professional work.
Moreover, we set the date for the upcoming event which will be held in Porto between 8-10 January 2020. This event will gather not only partners, but European experts and professionals dealing with Research Management and Administration. Also, the Advisory Board of the project consisting of highly experienced RMAs and stakeholders related to the topic will be also invited to provide useful experience and knowledge for the developed outputs of foRMAtion.
Beside the content and management related issues the partnership could already decide on the project logo representing one of the key assets of the main visual identity of foRMAtion. Soon our website and social media sites will be also launch. Till that don’t forget to follow the related news at and stay tuned!