In the framework of the FAWORIT-2014-2015 “Looking over the Horizon: horizontal priorities in research and in everyday challenges of the researcher’s career” project, HÉTFA is a participant in the consortium responsible for the coordination of the European Researchers’ Night events that happen each year in September. However, we think that it is important to promote the career opportunities of a researcher on other days, as well, not only on one night of the year in September.
The main objective of “FAWORIT 2014-2015” is to overcome the prevailing stereotypes about researchers and contribute to the enhancement of their public recognition through aspects of innovation, gender,mobility, international research and lifelong learning.
The Science Café is a good occasion for students, researchers and any other interested person to have an insight into a research field and to get a chance to talk with researchers. All this is organised in an interactive manner that allow everyone to engage in a dialouge and get acquainted with interesting results of different researches.
We organise this Science Café on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Researchers’ Night, which we celebrate this year, in 2015.
Participation in the event is free, but registration is required. Please write to to register until the 26th of May!
The event will take place in EU Pont – Millenáris Park (1024 Budapest, Lövõház u. 35.)
Date: 28 -05-2015 , from 3pm-6pm
You can read about the programme (HU) of the Café if you click on the picture.