A workshop was organised under the coordination of HÉTFA about the urban development strategy in Rákosmente.
The aim of the workshop of 24 February was that more and more actor of the district could express their opinion on the developmental document in preparation. Representatives of the District’s municipality, employees of the municipality, chief architects of the neighbouring districts and towns and representatives of civil and religious organisations of the district participated at the event.
Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies are being prepared all over Hungary. In the creation of the strategy of Rakosmente, beside HÉTFA, the Urbanitás Ltd. takes part with engineering tasks. Gábor Balás, director of HÉTFA highlighted at the workshop that the standard of living of the Rakosmente’s people can be improved by protecting the district’s values and with better transport opportunities. The increase in the number of workplaces in the district is an important aim of the developments, which would help people to commute less.
A detailed report on the workshop (Hungarian).