HETFA, in the framework of the Józsefváros (8th District) Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy’s elaboration held a workshop with the participation of educational and economic institutions and organisation, civil organisations, representative of Churches.

From 2014, in the new financial period of the EU, the Integrated Urban Development Strategy id change to Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy. The Ministry for Home Affairs made it possible to write the strategies of small and medium sized cities and districts of Budapest: for those municipalities, who needed, the Ministry for Home Affairs issued a tender for it. In the Central Hungarian region, the Pest-Budapest Consortium won, where HETFA leads the preparation of the 8th and the 17th districts’ Strategies.

After the preparatory work for several months, on 20 February, together with the Municipality of Józsefváros (8th District), we invited numerous representatives of important institutions for the district and of other civil and economic organisations to a consultation in order to form the basis of the strategy building in the partnership process. The approximately 80 invitees were presented by the relevance and the role of the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy and then we opened four thematic tables according to issues related to the district’s economy, society, built and natural environment and its structural parts. We focused on identifying the main problems, capacities, strong points and potential places for development.

The answers of the representatives form an important part of the Strategy’s analysis of the current situation and in setting the main future goals. Two further workshops are foreseen, where with a similar circle of invitees, we collect the main development goal and project ideas.