RN_rollupOn the 26th of September Universities, Research Institutes and laboratories are open for the public, as they were on every last Friday of September, since 2005.

ké_logoThe main objective of “FAWORIT 2014-2015” is to overcome the prevailing stereotypes about researchers and contribute to the enhancement of their public recognition through aspects of innovation, gender, mobility, international research and lifelong learning.

How do these stereotypes lo like? You can check it in our report (Thirst for Science?).

The Hétfa Research Institute is responsible for the social impact analysis of the Programmes. We are interested in your experiences and opinion.

You can find the detailed programmes at the homepage in Hungarian, in English.

Funded by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme H2020 (2014-2020)by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions. Directorate-General for Education and Culture. European Commission under Grant Agreemant No. 633281