According to the mandatory provisions of the Hungarian Government’s Act XXVI of 1998 on the rights and equal opportunities of persons with disabilities, equal access has to be ensured for public services provided by the government and local municipalities. In order to achieve this goal, projects targeting physical and ICT accessibility of public services have received more than 18 billion HUF (~ 6.6 M EUR) of EU and domestic support between 2007 and 2012.

The evaluation explored the results and impacts of developments already implemented within the Social Infrastructure Operative Programme (SIOP) and Regional Operative Programmes (ROPs). The fact that there was a delay in the withdrawal of SIOP resources duly justified the necessity of the evaluation. The evaluation had to formulate policy recommendations in terms of measures that need to be taken to achieve the goals both in the course of the recent programming period and the planning of 2014-20 interventions. The evaluation was commissioned by the National Development Agency (NDA) and was carried out between 2012 March and 2012 September. The evaluation was performed by HETFA Research Institute and Revita Foundation. In addition to the commonly used evaluation methodology (document analysis, interviews, online survey) experts with disabilities conducted on-the-spot surveys at 10 development locations.

Summary of the Research Report in English