Németh, Nándor (ed.) – Csite, András – Kabai, Gergely – Németh, Nándor (2011):
Helyi Kezdeményezésű Gazdaságfejlesztési Programok vizsgálata, értékelése esettanulmányokon keresztül. [Evaluating and analyzing “Locally Initiated Economy Development Program”, using case studies].
KTI Könyvek, MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2011.
The basic purpose of our monograph – ordered by the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences – was to explore how employment in small towns can be extended and long-term unemployment reduced. As the data imply, employment in these areas is very low: lower than the EU- and even the Hungarian average (which is way under the EU-average). Nevertheless, the long-term unemployment rates are very high in the affected regions. As the experiences show, neither the market sector nor the public sector could solve this problem efficiently and permanently. Taking this fact into consideration, we explored local employment solutions, which combine the goals and functions of market- and public spheres. These can strengthen local communities, through which the accumulated stress can be relieved. Our case studies were prepared in the following topics: 1. Agricultural program of Belecska 2. The fruitage-success of Kisvejke 3. Working and experiences of the “Life-changing – Life-forming” labor market program 4. A “life-changing” village: Gyulaj 5. Channels of local products in Hungary The first four of these studies were published in a monograph, as part of the KTI-books of Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.