HETFA Working Paper No. 2.

Gábor Balás – András Csite – Ágnes Szabó-Morvai – Balázs Szepesi: Trust and Business in Hungary – Starting Points. ISBN 978-963-08-0280-2

„Trust and Business” is a long-term program of HÉTFA Research Institute, the project’s first publication being “Starting points”. Our aim is to aid our country through exploring the state of affairs in Hungary, and promoting the expansion of the creative power of our societies and businesses with helping suggestions. The theories and the professional methods are just means: our purpose is to help people, who take the risks, stand for cooperation, and look at businesses as creator of values. Co-working with them, our purpose is to explore the working of businesses in Hungary, show their successes and limits. This study summarizes the research results released by HÉTFA Institute in 2008 and 2009.

Available in Hungarian