Anna Lovász – Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2013): Does Childcare Matter for Maternal Labor Supply? A modified Regression Discontinuity Analysis

Anna Lovász – Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2013): Does Childcare Matter for Maternal Labor Supply? Pushing the limits of the Regression Discontinuity Framework. Budapest Working Paper Series

Ágnes Szabo-Morvai (2013): Who Benefits from Child Benefits? The Labor Supply Effect of Maternal Cash Benefit

Klára Major – Bálint Herczeg – Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2013): Predicting the number of employed and unemployed according to sector, profession and qualification. Institute of Economics Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MIMEO, 2013 (only in Hungarian).

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2012): Predicting the Effects of Large-scale Investments on the Hungarian National Product, Employment and Income using a Leontief Input-Output Model, MIMEO, 2012

Gabriella Borbás – Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2010): Labor Union Strategy, Reform and Rejuvenation. 

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2009): Employment and Growth Effects of Development Policies and Subsidies Across Countries. Metastudy and Database.

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes (2009): Finanszírozás a hazai kapitalizmus nézőpontjából.

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai – Balázs Szepesi (2009): Infrastructure of Trust. In: Report on the State of Capitalism in Hungary.

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai (2009): Financial Markets and Capitalism in Hungary. In: Report on the State of Capitalism in Hungary.

Szabó-Morvai, Á. (2008): Economic Impact Analysis of the Planned Congestion Pricing in Budapest.

Szabó-Morvai, Á. (2008): Evaluation of Small Regions’ Projects for the National Development Agency.

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes (2007): Dissertation: Is Altruistic Punishment in Fact Altruistic? An Experimental Approach. Published as a book, VDM Verlag Dr Mueller, 2007.

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes (2007): Experiments for Beginners: The Bright Side of Economics. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes (2003): The New Basel Capital Requirements and the IRB Approach. Közgazdasági Szemle, 2003. Október, pp. 881-890.

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes (2003): Portfolio-based credit risk measurement, with special regard to CreditMetrics model and the IRB approach. Published in Economic Review (Kozgazdasagi Szemle), October, 2003

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes: The effect of a wage subsidy program on young mothers and job market entrants