V4 Network on Entrepreneurship


The main aim of the V4 Network on Entrepreneurship project was to set up a pool of knowledge, experts and researchers to form new, cross-country network about entrepreneurship and SMEs in the Visegrad countries.

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


The project started with a kick-off meeting in the beginning of March 2019. The meeting in Budapest enabled partners to agree on the main tasks and responsibilities for the upcoming one year, until the project lasts.

The work continued by collaborating with partners from the other countries in the region in order to set up an online database of research organizations, scholars and universities dealing with local and regional enterprises. This network will facilitate knowledge exchange by creating tools of communication between them. In addition, this main output of the project prepares the basis for joint thinking, articulation of interest and recommendations as well as for further joint projects in V4 countries.

In September 2019 the project organized an international conference focusing on SMEs in V4 countries, where academics, organizations and other stakeholders were invited to share their countries’ and disciplines’ knowledge. Workshop and parallel session aimed to tackle various sub-topics, such as female entrepreneurs, family businesses, young entrepreneurs, etc.

As a closure of the project, a final workshop was held in Bratislava in January 2020 with the involvement of experts and decision-makers from the Visegrad countries to deliver joint policy recommendations aiming to support them in fine-tuning entrepreneurship related policies.


The final brochure is available here including best practices and policy recommendation from V4 countries.



  • HÉTFA Research Institute (Hungary)


Call for joining our database >>


Check the V4 database on Entrepreneurship >>


Information about the International Conference >>


Information about the Workshop >>

More information

You can get acquainted with the details of the project by checking the leaflet.

Stay tuned on the social media channels of the project:

